PopCulture Classroom Excellence in Graphic Literature – Finalist – 2023

‘But I Live’ by is a finalist for this year’s Excellence in Graphic Literature Awards’ award for Best in Young Adult — Non-Fiction category!

The Annual Excellence in Graphic Literature Awards is presented by Pop Culture Classroom, and celebrates the best in graphic literature, recognizing outstanding storytelling and artistic excellence within the industry.

List of nominees:

About the award:
“Since 2017, the Excellence in Graphic Literature Awards has worked with dozens of prestigious jurors from across the world, received hundreds of submitted titles, and recognized some of the most innovative, exciting, and educational graphic literature being published today!

In addition to receiving the prestigious Excellence in Graphic Literature Award, winning and nominated titles earn the honor of including a cover medallion on all prints. This medallion is also intended to make it easier for families, teachers, librarians, and all-aged readers to identify the highest quality titles, which in turn benefits the entire industry through increased sales and growth.

The 2023 Excellence on Graphic Literature Awards Advisory Board and Juries select the best in graphic literature through a clearly defined and transparent process. The evaluation team is comprised of diverse, experienced, and informed professionals whose experience spans publishing, libraries, education, and other related fields.”

More information: